Patta X The Black Archives At Het Hem

July 1st marks Keti Koti, the Dutch national commemoration of the abolition of slavery. On July 1st, 1863, the Netherlands abolished slavery in the former Dutch colonies of Suriname and the Netherlands Antilles. The enslaved weren't free until 1873 however, as they had to work for the slaveholders for another decade by way of compensation. Nowadays, July 1st is Emancipation Day in Suriname. On June 30th, Patta and Het HEM organise an afternoon in collaboration with The Black Archives about Hip Hop, literature and black history.
In the historical collection of the Dutch-Surinamese association ‘Vereniging Ons Suriname’, The Black Archives discovered special photos, documents and stories about a long tradition of Keti Koti commemorations in the Netherlands.
Based on unique archival documents, photos and books The Black Archives will discuss the legacy of slavery and the importance of this national commemoration.
17:00 – 18:00 Books we Share, That Make us Care
According to hip-hop legend KRS-One, knowledge is one of the nine pillars of hip-hop. During Books we Share, That Make us Care we will talk with hip hop enthusiasts and discuss which books inspired them. With performance artist Naomie Pieter and Surinamese youth worker Daryl Ricardo from Zaandam.
19:00 – 20:00 Words we Share, That Makes Us Care
During Words we Share, That Make us Care we talk with two spoken word artists who get their inspiration from hip-hop. Which books, which music and which life events inspire them? And how do you hear or see that reflected in their work? “Spoken Word comes from the same origin as hip hop. As American rappers in Harlem described their neighborhood and named what could be improved in their world, the Dutch spoken word artists also let themselves be heard." says Babs Gons, editor of the newest spoken word anthology ‘Hardop’ (Out Loud) With Babs Gons en Yung Nnelg.
Books we Share That Make us Care has been compiled by Jessica de Abreu and Mitchell Esajas from The Black Archives
Swap Talk
Parallel to the program of The Black Archives, Het HEM organises Swap Talk: a social story project in which we build a collection of ‘human books’ – people with a wish to share their personal story with visitors in one-to-one conversations. From 15:00 – 19:00 visitors can "borrow" living books and have a conversation with them. Book themes include youth culture and discrimination.
Books we Share, that Make us Care and Swap Talk are free of charge. Register via info@hethem.nl.
15:00 – 16:00 The hidden history of the Keti Koti commemorationIn the historical collection of the Dutch-Surinamese association ‘Vereniging Ons Suriname’, The Black Archives discovered special photos, documents and stories about a long tradition of Keti Koti commemorations in the Netherlands.
Based on unique archival documents, photos and books The Black Archives will discuss the legacy of slavery and the importance of this national commemoration.
17:00 – 18:00 Books we Share, That Make us Care
According to hip-hop legend KRS-One, knowledge is one of the nine pillars of hip-hop. During Books we Share, That Make us Care we will talk with hip hop enthusiasts and discuss which books inspired them. With performance artist Naomie Pieter and Surinamese youth worker Daryl Ricardo from Zaandam.
19:00 – 20:00 Words we Share, That Makes Us Care
During Words we Share, That Make us Care we talk with two spoken word artists who get their inspiration from hip-hop. Which books, which music and which life events inspire them? And how do you hear or see that reflected in their work? “Spoken Word comes from the same origin as hip hop. As American rappers in Harlem described their neighborhood and named what could be improved in their world, the Dutch spoken word artists also let themselves be heard." says Babs Gons, editor of the newest spoken word anthology ‘Hardop’ (Out Loud) With Babs Gons en Yung Nnelg.
Books we Share That Make us Care has been compiled by Jessica de Abreu and Mitchell Esajas from The Black Archives
Swap Talk
Parallel to the program of The Black Archives, Het HEM organises Swap Talk: a social story project in which we build a collection of ‘human books’ – people with a wish to share their personal story with visitors in one-to-one conversations. From 15:00 – 19:00 visitors can "borrow" living books and have a conversation with them. Book themes include youth culture and discrimination.
Books we Share, that Make us Care and Swap Talk are free of charge. Register via info@hethem.nl.