O Comeco De Um Sonho Benefit

On January 14, Skatecafe join forces with FC Hyena and Radio Tempo Não Pára to raise money for the construction of a school for the INK project in Chapadão, Rio de Janeiro.
The INK Project is a project in one of the favelas of Rio de Janeiro. The aim of the project is to use the power of football to prevent the children growing up here from ending up in drug crime. The project was set up and is led by Fabio, Otavio and Alex, three boys who grew up here themselves and understand better than anyone how important it is to stay away from this. In addition to creating a safe space for football, they teach the children about the power of shaping their own future.
Last year, the INK project purchased the piece of land next to the football field. During this evening we will try to raise as much money as possible to realize the construction of the school, which will be next to the football field. All proceeds will go to this and on January 25 the construction of the school will start. A documentary was made of the project last year. This can also be viewed during the evening.