Smib X Tno Fest

This Friday, the 31st of August sees the third annual celebration of SMIB x TNO FEST. After the first edition at Amsterdam City Beach Blijburg and last year's festivities at Skatepark Noord, this year the festival has landed at DOK Amsterdam.
The 'Fest' is a yearly get-together put on by SMIB WORLDWIDE and THE NEW ORIGINALS, in celebration of a subculture that has sprung into existence along with and through the work of these two crews.
This year the festival will be spread out over two different stages, filled with live performances and DJ sets by artists both on the brink of breaking through as well as full fledged superstars, from 15h till 23h. SMIB and The New Originals are not only about music though, so expect food (Broodje Smib) and TNO Milkshake Farmers as well. Hurry and get your tickets online or at Zeedijk 60, the store The New Originals and Sumibu share with Bonne Suits. Official merchandise exclusively available at Zeedijk 60, free ticket with the first 100 t-shirt purchases. Additional tickets may or may not be available at the door.